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When you click on the mp3 of your choice it will bring up the media player on your device which can start to play the audio. If your media player offers it, you can save the file through it.
Otherwise you can right click on the file and use the menu selection "save file as" or "save linked content as" and decide where to place the file on your device.
Yes, there were. The time span is usually considered from the 1st century to the 4th or 5th century. We are a brand new website run by volunteers who will be updating with new mp3s you can download for free as time goes on.
While we know there are some very good quality voices for some text to speech programs, we are a low budget operation using what is free to use and not restricted by copyrights. For simplicity sake we have settled for products that we think provide impressive results that are very understandable to most people. Especially for the price ;-)
Anyone with an interest in what the Church Fathers had to say. There are many such people who, because of other responsibilities or the pace of life cannot sit down regularly to read these works but really wish they could. Now they can listen in their car, while weeding the garden, cleaning the house. Or you may be a construction worker who has totally mastered the repertoire of Led Zepplin and are looking for something else, etc.
When we post them, most things will be as a complete unit, treatise, tact, letter, poem, etc.
We have made some efforts at "quality control." This is in regard to some of the inherent weaknesses of expecting a machine to know how to pronounce certain words. We apologize that there will be some blips in pronunciation. You might do better--you might do worse. We do not change the texts to sell our biases (which we do have). But what we offer is mostly for a quick overview or review of the texts. So we have removed footnote numbers that can be distracting for the flow of just listening. For deeper study, there are many books (things made with paper) or online resources.
Here are a few places:
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